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Historical DocumentsSource Information
Newspaper article - Women's Orchestra - Article Announcing Debut Performance at Cleveland ClubPaper and Author unknown, 4/26/36
Program (cover) - The Music Committee Presents The Cleveland Women's Orchestra, Hyman Schandler, Conductor - Debut PerformanceCleveland Club, 4/26/36
Newspaper article - "At the Cleveland Club Yesterday Evening" - Review of Debut PerformancePaper unknown, Author unknown, 4/27/36
Newspaper article - Pianist to Star at Orchestra Debut Tonight - Article announcing First Annual Concert (Severance Hall)Paper and Author unknown, 11/17/36
Program (cover) - The Cleveland Women's Orchestra, Hyman Schandler, Conductor, DEBUT CONCERT, Soloist Rosalyn Tureck, Pianist - First Annual ConcertSeverance Hall, 11/17/36
Program (inside) - The Cleveland Women's Orchestra, Hyman Schandler, Conductor, DEBUT CONCERT, Soloist Rosalyn Tureck, Pianist - First Annual ConcertSeverance Hall, 11/17/36
Newspaper article - Women Score in Orchestra Debut - Review of first Annual ConcertThe Plain Dealer, Herbert Elwell, 11/18/36
Newspaper article -WHK Concert announcements - Tribute to female delegates to the G.O.P. ConventionVarious Papers, Robert S. Stephan and others, 1936
Newspaper article - Women's Orchestra Scores in Concert Given to Aid Spain - ReviewThe Plain Dealer, Herbert Elwell, 1930s
Newspaper article - Local Concert Aids Spanish Loyalists - ReviewPaper unknown, D.L., 1930s
Brochure (cover) - The Cleveland women's Orchestra, Hyman Schandler, Conductor1938
Brochure (inside) - The Cleveland women's Orchestra, Hyman Schandler, Conductor1938
Newspaper article - Women's Orchestra, 14 Years Old, Has Top Place in City's Cultural LifeThe Cleveland Press (Magazine Page), Author unknown, 1/29/49
Program (cover) - Hyman Schandler Memorial ConcertMurch Auditorium, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 2/10/91
Program (inside) - Hyman Schandler Memorial Concert Murch Auditorium, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 2/10/91
